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- “When children have married parents” | Equality Loudoun Archive, 2003-2013 on GOP FAIL
- So the people voted | Equality Loudoun Archive, 2003-2013 on 54/41
- The facts of life | Equality Loudoun Archive, 2003-2013 on CWA ladies caught in another lie
- Phillips campaign falsely attributes statement to Equality Loudoun | Equality Loudoun Archive, 2003-2013 on CWA ladies caught in another lie
- Sorry for your discomfort | Equality Loudoun Archive, 2003-2013 on CWA ladies caught in another lie
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Author Archives: David
The shift continues
More evidence that the anti-marriage crowd has given up, discriminatory amendment activity notwithstanding: Right wing Town Hall contributor Michael Medved tells us that Elton John Solves Gay Marriage Controversy. Sir Elton managed to annoy many with these remarks last week … Continue reading
There really are no words for this
Today is the International Transgender Day of Remembrance, an appropriate occasion to consider the profound stupidity of former Governor Mike Huckabee’s claim that there hasn’t been enough violence visited on our community yet. It’s a little hard to believe that … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary, News
Tagged Gender, Hate crimes, Transphobia
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How can they not see?
Via the Fairfax Family Forum, a very interesting post about how evil is hard to recognize when it is normalized. The purpose of this piece is to condemn abortion, which is the reason that FFF has linked to it. For … Continue reading
I just voted, and so should you
Loudoun residents can vote absentee in person through Saturday, November 1. You do need to give a reason – such as a long commute, or volunteering for a campaign – but election officials are being very lenient. They want as … Continue reading
Is this what we have come to?
For the love of God. Hat tip: Think Progress It’s a good thing Prager was there to explain the ideals behind the American Revolution. Otherwise, Americans might have relied on “Europeanized” documents like the Declaration of Independence: We hold these … Continue reading
The conservative case against Prop 8
A sizable number of Republicans have now joined the movement to defeat Prop 8 in California, along with the business community and virtually every newspaper, both large and small, in the state. The only paper so far to editorialize in … Continue reading
Florida adoption ban overturned
The Florida law that states “No person eligible to adopt under this statute may adopt if that person is a homosexual” was overturned Tuesday, insuring that two young children will have a permanent home with the only family they have … Continue reading →