Dusty Smith of the Ashburn Patch has a nice article up about reaction to the coming out of Wizards center Jason Collins. He interviewed the co-founders of Equality Loudoun for a local perspective.
Washington Wizards center Jason Collins has won much praise for his decision to publicly acknowledge that he’s gay, including from President Barack Obama and Equality Loudoun, a local LGBT advocacy group.
“I was very impressed with Jason Collins’ story in SI, really thoughtful and articulate,” said David Weintraub, a spokesman for Equality Loudoun. “I always think primarily about what these things mean for young people who feel they need to hide who they are, and who aren’t sure they can have a future as that person. This is an enormously significant message for those kids.” Weintraub said he particularly liked a line from the story, written by Collins with Franz Lidz, in which Collins wrote, “I kept telling myself the sky was red, but I always knew it was blue.”
“That’s exactly how it is, and that simply expressed truth will resonate powerfully,” Weintraub said. “It’s ultimately a waste of time to tell ourselves that the sky is red, and no one should have to waste that time.”
Meet the woman who just told everyone she thinks of herself as a vagina.
I trust that we can all see the problem.
Usually I try to cultivate compassion for the terminally stupid, but not today. Dehumanization kills people, and there’s been more than enough killing. I hope Natassia is mercilessly ridiculed. I hope the ridicule makes her cry. The only thing that will make a person who would say something this clueless finally pull her head out of her nether regions is for someone who cares about her to firmly grasp her shoulders, look directly into her eyes, and say “Stop. You are embarrassing yourself and everyone else.”
If there is someone out there who knows and cares for this confused woman: Please. For the love of God. Help her.