Oh boy. Wanna-be attorney* Bob Marshall is now doubling down and lecturing the governor in an email. Of course the Attention Seeking One had to release his personal email publicly in order to avoid the dreadful fate of being ignored:
“Your support of this judicial appointment by circuit judges means you hold the appointed judiciary to be a branch of Virginia’s government superior to the branch elected by the people, the General Assembly,” Marshall wrote.
Not so much. The Circuit Court judges were well within their right to make this appointment. The Court’s responsibility in that role is to make sure that appointees to the bench are the most qualified, not to bow down to the whims of peculiar politicians. More Bob: Continue reading
There’s a new blog in town
It’s a great blog – witty, honest, and full of insight – written by contributors who identify themselves from “gay conservative Christian” to “pansexual and genderqueer.” I was there throughout the April, 2007 Soulforce Equality Ride visit, and knew at the time that there must be students on the other side of the police line who wanted to join us, but were afraid. This development makes me very, very happy, and is also heartbreaking. The blog is only nine days old, but we already have much more than a glimpse into what these folks have gone through and will continue to go through – and their resilience.
The Mike Farris enterprise – of providing a rigorous, classical education to smart young people, while simultaneously preventing those critical thinking skills from meeting the real world – always seemed dubious to me, and this is just the latest manifestation of that contradiction. It’s an unstoppable force. Kate Kane, you rock.
I can only say to all of you: Welcome. Bravo. And Amen.