There’s a new blog in town

The collaborative blog Queer Patrick Henry College was launched earlier this month by several current and former Patrick Henry College students. They join a growing movement of LGBT students at Christian colleges who are unapologetically asserting their right to be embraced as God created them.

It’s a great blog – witty, honest, and full of insight – written by contributors who identify themselves from “gay conservative Christian” to “pansexual and genderqueer.” I was there throughout the April, 2007 Soulforce Equality Ride visit, and knew at the time that there must be students on the other side of the police line who wanted to join us, but were afraid. This development makes me very, very happy, and is also heartbreaking. The blog is only nine days old, but we already have much more than a glimpse into what these folks have gone through and will continue to go through – and their resilience.

The Mike Farris enterprise – of providing a rigorous, classical education to smart young people, while simultaneously preventing those critical thinking skills from meeting the real world – always seemed dubious to me, and this is just the latest manifestation of that contradiction. It’s an unstoppable force. Kate Kane, you rock.

I can only say to all of you: Welcome. Bravo. And Amen.

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The Bobby Marshall temper tantrum continues..

Oh boy. Wanna-be attorney* Bob Marshall is now doubling down and lecturing the governor in an email. Of course the Attention Seeking One had to release his personal email publicly in order to avoid the dreadful fate of being ignored:

“Your support of this judicial appointment by circuit judges means you hold the appointed judiciary to be a branch of Virginia’s government superior to the branch elected by the people, the General Assembly,” Marshall wrote.

Not so much. The Circuit Court judges were well within their right to make this appointment. The Court’s responsibility in that role is to make sure that appointees to the bench are the most qualified, not to bow down to the whims of peculiar politicians. More Bob: Continue reading

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Purcellville Gazette, June 8

I wish to thank columnist John Flannery (June 1) for calling attention to the recent mischief of two embarrassing Loudoun County public officials.

Mr. Delgaudio is dismissible on the grounds that he even regards himself as something of a joke (although the joke is on the gullible marks who respond to his increasingly comical fundraising appeals). His “lobbying” organization doesn’t do any actual lobbying, and exists for the sole purpose of paying Mr. Delgaudio’s rather generous salary. As a third-rate hate group its influence is nonexistent, and were it not for the occasional unwanted attention it brings to Loudoun County hardly anyone would notice it was there at all.

As to Mr. Marshall, his recent disgraceful attacks on the character of eminently qualified and highly regarded deputy Commonwealth’s Attorney Tracy Thorne-Begland reveal a great deal about his own character, none of it good. Continue reading

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Delgaudio demands that men use the women’s restroom

Joe My God shares with us yet another dumb fundraising letter, this one yammering on about people going to the bathroom (what is it with this guy and bodily functions?) His panties are in a bunch this time because trans women use the (duh) women’s room. What else would they use?

I guess it’s time for another lesson on reality-based world, since it doesn’t seem to have gotten through the last dozen or so times. The target of Mr. Delgaudio’s diatribe is not open to creative interpretation. That target is a specific woman who was (presumably) assigned male at birth. I suppose that I need to spell it out, again. Mr. Delgaudio is demanding that everyone use the restroom that corresponds to the gender they were assigned at birth, including when that assignment was made in error.

I know that Mr. Delgaudio has a wife, and I know that he has daughters. Would his wife and daughters feel comfortable using the same restroom as this guy? Perhaps he should ask them. How about any of these guys, below? I’m sure they’re all lovely people and would in no way pose any harm to Mr. Delgaudio’s wife or daughters, but the question, as he has posed it, is the presence of men in the women’s restroom. So, this is what Mr. Delgaudio wants: For these and other men to use the women’s restroom alongside our mothers, wives, girlfriends, sisters, daughters and other women in our lives. Continue reading

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Little Bobby Marshall’s temper tantrum

My initial reaction to hearing about Bob Marshall’s highly unusual actions to cause the rejection of Tracy Thorne-Begland’s nomination to the General District Court was “petulant temper tantrum.” The latest admission from Marshall shows just how accurate that first impression was:

“He holds himself out as being married,” said Del. Robert G. Marshall (R-Prince William), who is running for U.S. Senate. He said Thorne-Begland’s “life is a contradiction to the requirement of submission to the constitution.”

It’s not good enough, you see, that Thorne-Begland’s marriage is not recognized by the Commonwealth of Virginia. Nor is it good enough that he and his husband can’t even obtain recognition of a civil union, domestic partnership, or any other “legal status that intends to approximate the design, qualities, significance, or effects of marriage” or obtain a status to which are assigned “the rights, benefits, obligations, qualities, or effects of marriage.

No, that’s not enough. Like Haman, little Bobby Marshall wants Tracy Thorne-Begland to bow down. Because Bobby Marshall was able to insert his tiny god of fear into the Virginia Constitution, he now believes he is entitled to demand “submission” to it. Those who fail to bow down to his little god must be punished. That is just how stark this is.

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What they really mean when they say they’re “not anti-gay”

The memorial service for the late Chuck Colson was held today. May God have mercy on his soul. Of those contending to replace him as the leading voice of “Christian” victimism, and as the architect of anti-gay propaganda at Prison Fellowship Ministries, John Stonestreet is probably the most sophisticated.

One of the favorite techniques of Colson and his acolytes is to stand reality on its head by casting themselves, although they are the ones working to deny religious freedom and civil rights to others, as the oppressed and persecuted. Hence Stonestreet, in a recent column, claims for himself and his audience the role of Esther. You all know the story, right? Haman, the Jew-hating dictator, is a prime minister whose king has unwittingly taken the Hebrew Esther as his wife. When Haman is angered by Mordecai and is about to respond in a genocidal rage, Esther outs herself to save her people.

Stonestreet equates the situation of the Hebrews, in exile under the rule of Haman, to the circumstances of “Christians” today when they are restrained in any way by the civil rights of others. My husband gently pointed out to him the irony of his words: That the behavior Stonestreet is encouraging is very much like Haman’s inclination to dehumanize the Hebrews and see them as something other than just people, perhaps objectifying them as the “lobbyists” or “homosexual activists” of their day.

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Delusional, or immoral?

You might have seen a video that went viral over the weekend – five minutes of some of the most bizarre claptrap about gay people you are ever likely to hear, delivered by a speaker at a city council public meeting. I say “some of” because much of it could easily have come from certain public figures, or from one or two speakers addressing local public boards here in Loudoun.

Well, it turns out that the speaker in the video is a “protected person,” a resident of an assisted living facility and diagnosed with schizophrenia. She is a regular at these public meetings; the council members are familiar with her and listen to her politely. Her brother Patrick acts as her conservator:

He said he’s disappointed the video garnered such attention and jokes without the whole story.

“To me, it shows how little society really cares about people with mental health issues,” Patrick Svoboda said. “She does have a very tender heart … but anything she says is certifiably schizophrenic … she’s not some crazy conservative.”

He said her family has tried to get her help multiple times, but unless she harms herself or others, there’s not much more they can do.

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