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- “When children have married parents” | Equality Loudoun Archive, 2003-2013 on GOP FAIL
- So the people voted | Equality Loudoun Archive, 2003-2013 on 54/41
- The facts of life | Equality Loudoun Archive, 2003-2013 on CWA ladies caught in another lie
- Phillips campaign falsely attributes statement to Equality Loudoun | Equality Loudoun Archive, 2003-2013 on CWA ladies caught in another lie
- Sorry for your discomfort | Equality Loudoun Archive, 2003-2013 on CWA ladies caught in another lie
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Category Archives: Commentary
Apparent hate crime against inclusive Knoxville church
Update: The Unitarian Universalists of Sterling will hold a prayer vigil on Monday evening, July 28, at 7:00 to mourn the tragic injuries and loss of life at the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Church. The public is invited. The pastor of … Continue reading
Conservative enough?
Is discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation really a “conservative” value? Not according to Ward Connerly, whom one would be hard-pressed to argue is not conservative enough. He opposes the current effort to deface the California state constitution with … Continue reading
Jesse Helms, R.I.P.
Sometimes a person is just so far outside the parameters of acceptable behavior, one cannot seriously think that the world is not better off without them. Sometimes a person has caused so much pain that the only possible response is … Continue reading
Bitter First Fruits and Sarcastic “Academics”
The first fruits of California marriage equality are beginning to trickle in, and they are bitter indeed for our opponents. Self-described “culture warrior” Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse’s sarcasm gushes forth in her article Memo To Advocates of “The Conservative Case … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary
Tagged Anti-gay industry, Jennifer Roback Morse, Legislation, Marriage
Go tell it to the chickens
Update Jennifer Morse emailed me and corrected some of the information in this post. We’ve been having a conversation over her TownHall challenge (more on that later). Here is an excerpt from her email, dated July 2, 2008 6:44 PM. … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary
Tagged Frank Wolf, Jennifer Roback Morse, Marriage, Moral confusion
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Blaming the Victim, Part xx…
We note, with a certain degree of awe for his chutzpah, that our new commenter Greg has attempted to make the attack on the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church about the failure of the congregants to adequately arm themselves before … Continue reading →