Loudoun Observer
April 1, 2005
As clergy in Reston, we are writing to support our colleagues and the members of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Reston for having the courage of their convictions to post a sign in support of civil marriage for gay and lesbian persons.
At a recent meeting of the Reston Ministerium, we discussed the cowardly and dangerous attempt to silence UCCR by setting their sign on fire.
If a parishioner had not been driving by at just the right moment and called 911, not only would the sign have been destroyed, but the public gardens and even the church could have burned to the ground! No one in Reston should condone such violence!
We believe that faith communities are called to stand with those who are marginalized and denigrated for being different. History shows that our proudest moments are when we have done just that. We stand now with our brothers and sisters of faith, and implore those who disagree to quit trying to impose their will through violence and destruction.
Rev. Debra Peevey, Journey of the Heart Ministries
Billie Sutter, DCE, United Christian Parish
Dr. Rev. Bruce Irwin, United Christian Parish
Rev. Jim Papile, St. Anne’s Episcopal Church
Rev. Sandi John, Washington Plaza Baptist Church
Rev. Terry Hannon, Christ the Servant Lutheran Church
Rabbi Robert Nosanchuk, Northern Virginia Hebrew Congregation
Rev. Jackie Thomson, St. Anne’s Episcopal Church