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- “When children have married parents” | Equality Loudoun Archive, 2003-2013 on GOP FAIL
- So the people voted | Equality Loudoun Archive, 2003-2013 on 54/41
- The facts of life | Equality Loudoun Archive, 2003-2013 on CWA ladies caught in another lie
- Phillips campaign falsely attributes statement to Equality Loudoun | Equality Loudoun Archive, 2003-2013 on CWA ladies caught in another lie
- Sorry for your discomfort | Equality Loudoun Archive, 2003-2013 on CWA ladies caught in another lie
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Tag Archives: Pants on Fire
Phillips campaign continues misrepresentation
Hilariously, the Patricia Phillips for Senate campaign has updated its website with an item entitled “Setting the Record Straight.” As you can see, Phillips continues to erroneously refer to a 2005 Loudoun Times-Mirror editorial as an “Equality Loudoun article in … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary
Tagged Campaigns, General Assembly, John Andrews, Pants on Fire, Patricia Phillips, Things that are pathetic, Virginia
Help the Senate do the right thing
As Bwana observes today, “the path to enlightenment runs through the comics section of the local paper.” Indeed, this (thank you Darrin Bell) is a perfectly pitched imitation of the real AGI in their frenzy over the Hate Crimes Bill, … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary, Events
Tagged Equality Virginia, Eugene Delgaudio, Hate crimes, Legislation, Pants on Fire
For crying out loud…
Mrs. Phillips, the game is over. Just confess that you had an ethical lapse and move on. Admitting a mistake and apologizing demonstrates character. Trying to spin your way out of an easily documented lie does not. This is rich: … Continue reading
Phillips campaign falsely attributes statement to Equality Loudoun
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 22, 2007 Phillips campaign falsely attributes statement to Equality Loudoun Equality Loudoun today issued a statement concerning a campaign piece produced by the Patricia Phillips for Senate campaign. The mailer, also disseminated during the Republican primary … Continue reading
Posted in Advocacy, Press releases
Tagged Campaigns, Concerned Women for America, Drama policy, Editorials, Media, Pants on Fire, Patricia Phillips
Open dialogue would “embarrass” PHC
This is the flyer that Patrick Henry College officials were handing out to the media on April 12. As you can see from the bolded text, the administration of PHC was more interested in falsely maligning Equality Loudoun than in … Continue reading
Gone too far?
Update: A comment that was posted here pseudonymously accused candidate for Loudoun County Sheriff Greg Ahlemann (Pastor Jay Ahlemann’s son) of being anti-gay and racist, and of having a tattoo that he won’t show to anyone. He asked us to … Continue reading →