This is non-negotiable

The WaPo reporter was there at the January 20 Board of Supervisors meeting (video here), and this story appeared yesterday in the Extra.

Loudoun County Supervisor Eugene A. Delgaudio (R-Sterling), a longtime opponent of gay rights, is coming under increased criticism for recent comments viewed as homophobic and embarrassing to the community.

At a Board of Supervisors meeting Wednesday, five of his board counterparts used personal time to chastise the Sterling supervisor for anti-gay comments

Actually, mere “anti-gay comments” from this person don’t elicit much response from his colleagues beyond a dismissive glance anymore. What they found unacceptable was his reference, in writing, to other human beings as “it.”

McGimsey said: “I think that the actions and words of Mr. Delgaudio prove why we needed to institute the policy that we did the other day. There’s clearly some people who need those kinds of policies in place.”

She said she believed his language was dangerous.

Yes. Designating a group of people as less than human has never led to anything positive in human history, has it? These supervisors are taking Mr. Delgaudio’s transgression seriously for very good reason.

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When an apology is another attack

What you will see in this video is nearly all of our county supervisors taking their own board comment time to address behavior they see as so serious and potentially dangerous that they cannot remain silent. I can’t overemphasize how significant that is. It’s a very unusual situation.

I hope you will take a minute to let these supervisors know what it means to you to have them speak up for those who were verbally attacked in such a horrible, dehumanizing way by Mr. Delgaudio, and do not have the privilege, as Mr. Miller said, of turning on a microphone in the boardroom to respond. You can find contact information at the end of this post.

More background on this January 20 meeting is here.
For full coverage of this transgression by a sitting elected official, look here.

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The gift that keeps on giving

Hat tip…oh, you know who you are.

Read complete coverage of Eugene’s latest Big Adventure here.

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On learning new things

This is what we have learned about the Sterling Supervisor, Eugene Delgaudio: Not only is he the kind of person who would refer to other human beings as “it”; he is also 1) a liar; 2) the most pitiable sort of coward, and 3) quite possibly mentally unstable.

We already posted video of Mr. Delgaudio’s shameful remarks at the January 5 board meeting, during which he and his ally Supervisor Waters carried on for nearly 40 minutes about what should have been a completely non-controversial matter. The Loudoun Times-Mirror described his performance as “sustained and unrestrained demagoguery targeting human beings.” In making what the Independent called “borderline-incomprehensible arguments,” Mr. Delgaudio repeatedly used epithets like “men in dresses,” “freaks,” “fruity,” and “bizarre.”

Those of us who have been exposed to Mr. Delgaudio for some time found this language unremarkable, which is a sad commentary in and of itself. But then he did something else. He sent an email to residents of the Sterling District and the local media that contained this sentence:

The board voted six yes, Waters and Delgaudio “no”, with York abstaining, to add “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to the hiring of employees which means if a man dressed as woman wants a job, you have to treat “it” the same as a normal person. [Emphasis mine, but “scare quotes” in original.]

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Mandated by conscience and constitution

On January 5, the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors adopted a motion by Supervisor Stevens Miller, adding “sexual orientation and gender identity” to the county government’s employment nondiscrimination policy.

Here you can clearly see who was grandstanding and wasting board time, trying to make a matter of simple workplace fairness – codifying what the county already does, and making clear to potential hires that Loudoun has an inclusive policy – into a divisive, partisan issue. This is an exercise in creating a controversy where none exists. Plus, they invoke the insufferably silly “bathroom” argument.

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“An apology is in order.”

Loudoun Times-Mirror:

Leniency has been granted to Delgaudio in the past for what has been described loosely as “clownish” behavior. We often hear, “Oh, that’s just Eugene.”

Not by us. Not this time. It’s time to say, “Enough.” We cringe in embarrassment for the image of Loudoun in 2010 that this projects to the outside world.

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Group decries supervisor’s comments

By Crystal Owens
Loudoun Times-Mirror


Advocacy group Equality Loudoun this week denounced Supervisor Eugene Delgaudio’s reaction to the addition of an equal opportunity amendment to the county’s policy handbook, extending employment rights to gay, lesbian and transgender residents.

This sort of language is easy shorthand, but misleading. Nondiscrimination policy that includes sexual orientation and gender identity protects everyone from discrimination – because everyone has a sexual orientation and a gender identity. The county can’t fire you for being straight, either.

During discussions over the addition in a Jan. 5 board meeting, Delgaudio (R-Sterling) called the plan “freaky, bizarre and fruity.”

He also used the word “it” during the meeting and in his electronic newsletter to describe transgender individuals.

“Mr. Delgaudio is stating that if a person does not conform to conventional expectations for the gender they were assigned at birth, they are not fully human,” said David Weintraub, president of Equality Loudoun in an statement e-mailed to the Loudoun Times-Mirror.

Weintraub said the supervisor’s “dehumanizing name-calling” during the Jan. 5 board meeting “was a step beyond shameful.” And the language Delgaudio used in his electronic newsletter “makes him unfit for office,” Weintraub said.

In his newsletter Delgaudio wrote: “The board votes six yes, Waters and Delgaudio ‘no,’ with York abstaining, to add ‘sexual orientation’ and ‘gender identity’ to the hiring of employees which means if a man dressed as a woman wants a job, you have to treat ‘it’ the same as a normal person.” [Emphasis mine.]

“He directly and intentionally says what he only implied during the meeting – that he thinks transgender people are less than human, and that non-humans are not entitled to human rights,” Weintraub said.

Delgaudio said he stands by the statement he made in the Jan. 5 meeting when he referred to the amendment as “freaky, bizarre and fruity.”

The language, he said, was aimed at what he described as a militant group of individuals.

“It’s freaky because most don’t think about homosexuals,” Delgaudio said. “It’s bizarre because they want us to think about homosexuals.”

Delgaudio called Supervisor Stevens Miller (D-Dulles) fruity for pitching the amendment during the first meeting of the year.

The supervisor said the word “it” was used as a hyperbole during the meeting as a way to hammer home his point in the short amount of time board members have to speak on issues from the dais.

“There’s a license within those three minutes,” he said.

Here we see some backpedaling.

In fact, Mr. Delgaudio did not use the word “it” in his board meeting comments. He said a lot of offensive and outrageous things, but he did not call anyone “it.” That he did in his “Dear Sterling American” email, which he then forwarded to local media (although not to his board colleagues). There is no “three minute” excuse for the very intentional statement he made in writing that he considers transgender people to be not really human. There is no other meaning that calling a person “it” can have, and he knows this very well.

Mr. Delgaudio is surprised to find that he has crossed a line of conduct that is utterly unacceptable. He is now trying to shift the focus to the merely offensive name-calling he engaged in at the meeting, by pretending that there is no difference between the two. There is.

Delgaudio said he makes no apologies for his reaction.

“I take on special interest groups, whether it’s the Republican Party, the Chamber of Commerce or Equality Loudoun,” he said. “I will not back down. I serve the residents of Sterling.”

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