It’s what you do

Apologies for the tag, but I think that this comment (scroll to #81) qualifies as “humor.”

This is how shallow the “thinking” is on Loudoun’s anti-gay fringe:

My biggest complaint about “sexual orientation” being something which is protected is that it is behavioral protection. Even if homosexuals are homosexual because of genetic predisposition, protecting active homosexuals is protecting a behavior. None of the other protected groups are protected because of what they do, but what they are.

Again, let’s review the “protected groups.”

“…non-merit factors such as race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, and when such factors are not related directly to bona fide position qualifications…”

I’m eagerly awaiting evidence that religious and political affiliation are somehow biologically determined. If the cause for an undesirable affiliation can be identified, it’s possible that corrective action can be taken in utero 😉 . Or, perhaps the data suggest that these affiliations are ingrained in an individual at an early age. Either way, please leave citations to the pertinent research in comments.

In any case, one cannot argue that predisposition to a particular religious or political affiliation must determine the behavior of an individual. An individual so predisposed can choose to vote differently, or abstain from voting, or practice a different religion, or no religion at all.

Seriously, I am a hopeful person. There is always the possibility that the irony of Brian Withnell’s absurdly unexamined assumption – that his behavior and identity are parts of an integrated whole, while mine are somehow not – will suddenly break through and his eyes will be opened. I feel that I must make this very, very simple and concrete. Brian: You may be or feel like a Christian inside, but you must accept that you can be fired if your boss is uncomfortable with knowing that you attend a church and with hearing you talk about your activities. Otherwise we would be protecting a behavior. How does that suit you?

Yes, it’s what you do (i.e., your job) that matters, not who you are. That’s pretty much the point of having an employment nondiscrimination policy.

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