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- “When children have married parents” | Equality Loudoun Archive, 2003-2013 on GOP FAIL
- So the people voted | Equality Loudoun Archive, 2003-2013 on 54/41
- The facts of life | Equality Loudoun Archive, 2003-2013 on CWA ladies caught in another lie
- Phillips campaign falsely attributes statement to Equality Loudoun | Equality Loudoun Archive, 2003-2013 on CWA ladies caught in another lie
- Sorry for your discomfort | Equality Loudoun Archive, 2003-2013 on CWA ladies caught in another lie
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Tag Archives: Pants on Fire
Carnival of Lies
This post shall be devoted to the top lies that have been told this week about the proposed anti-family Marshall-Newman amendment in order to mislead voters. (Sadly, this may have to become a regular feature for the duration.) Lie Number … Continue reading
We must be for real, we have a song
Update: New mix available for download here. Compliments of Waldo, a Marshall-Newman Amendment protest song. You can download it from the author/musician, Brady Earnhart. A commenter has posted the lyrics to Waldo’s site. In response to one of our local … Continue reading
McDonnell’s bias shows in legal advice
Ya think? From the Virginian-Pilot: Charitably, McDonnell’s explanation is incomplete. Uncharitably, it’s advocacy for the amendment, which he championed as a member of the House of Delegates. Given the explanations coming from his office, Virginians would be wise to view … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary
Tagged Bob McDonnell, Editorials, Marshall-Newman Amendment, Media, Pants on Fire
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On career decisions, unfortunate
Attorney General Bob McDonnell continues to make a mockery of Virginia law by actively lobbying for the proposed constitutional amendment. Any claim that he could have authored a “neutral” explanation of it is beyond laughable. Memo to the House and … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary
Tagged Bob McDonnell, General Assembly, Marshall-Newman Amendment, Pants on Fire, VA "Family" Foundation
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Update: Virginia Centrist says “Bob McDonnell adds ‘Please vote YES’ to Amendment language.” Attorney General Bob McDonnell is above the law. That’s the only conclusion we can reach in light of his editing activities. As we reported earlier, Virginia law … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary
Tagged Bob McDonnell, General Assembly, Marshall-Newman Amendment, Pants on Fire
Tell me another one
The constitutional amendment process in Virginia requires that an “official state explanation” of each proposed amendment be published on the State Board of Elections website and in ads in large daily newspapers, and be made available for distribution by local … Continue reading
More Town Hall fun
The Fairfax Times now has a report on the NoVA Town Hall with Attorney General McDonnell, in addition to one in the Observer. Neither report includes any part of the Q&A session about the Marshall/Newman amendment. Both reporters simply echo … Continue reading →