It’s not personal

Students riot Nov. 9, 2011 in State College, PA. (Patrick Smith/Getty Images

I think that must be what the rioting Penn State students and anyone else making excuses would say to the victims of child rapist Jerry Sandusky, if they felt the need to say anything to them at all. Sorry you were raped, but our team is winning national championships and that makes us feel good and we don’t want any interruptions. It’s not personal.

The whole sick, sad mess is both repellent and fascinating, but the part that I can’t stop turning over in my mind is this. How does a person walk in on a rape in progress, a rape of a ten year old child, and not, without even thinking about it, intervene to rescue that child? Short of physical intervention, they would at least instinctively yell “hey, stop that!” Wouldn’t they? What is broken inside this guy, and what happened to him that broke it? I can’t understand that absence of reaction. I. Just. Can’t.

All of those – Joe Paterno, the university athletic director, Assistant Coach McQueary – who knew that Sandusky was an active sexual predator, and facilitated his continued access to child victims with their silence, are guilty of a more calculated crime. The calculation was the safety and dignity of those children in exchange for status, position and money. You understand: This team has brought $52.3 million to the school. It’s business, it’s not personal.

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This is what hate speech encourages.

Photo credit: John Wright at The Dallas Voice

This is what hate speech gives people with violent inclinations license to do. When they are erroneously told, by someone like hate group leader Eugene Delgaudio, that gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender people are threatening to something they value, such as their children or their right to worship freely, such people feel justified in resorting to violence. They are fearful, and feel that they are acting to protect something of great value.

Engaging in hate speech is not illegal. Lying is (usually) not illegal. But when hate speech is used to motivate people to make donations or to vote in a particular way, there are unintended (or perhaps intended) consequences. Anyone who engages in such behavior is unfit for public office, by definition. Such a person does not serve the public, by definition.

The three men (since taken into custody) who tried to kill Burke Burnett, pictured at left, were acquaintances of his. They attacked him at a community Halloween party because he is gay. You can read the things they said during the attack in the linked articles. Burnett has been openly gay in his small Texas town since he was 15.

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Unfit for office, unfit for endorsement

I could never, had I been asked to imagine the most ridiculous and easily verifiable lie that Eugene Delgaudio might invent, have imagined something as ridiculous and easily verifiable as this:

When contacted by the Loudoun Times-Mirror for comment about the exposure of his “Blood Door” email, Mr. Delgaudio told the reporter that the Photoshopped image he had sent to his mailing list was the original and that his image had actually been Photoshopped, by the very people who caught him in this behavior, to make it “look like blood.”

Side by side image comparison by the Loudoun Times-Mirror

When the reporter told me this, I said I thought that was interesting, and suggested that she search on Google images for “blood door.” She did.

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An embarrassing eccentricity

What a ridiculous story this is.

Scouting (like the military, like every other part of life) includes people who are openly gay. That means parents who are leaders and volunteers, and scouts themselves. For the most part, participants act as if those embarrassing prohibitions on people simply being who they are no longer exist. In fact, they will no longer exist for service members as of September 20.

The two women get it exactly right, I think. At some point a quasi-public organization practicing overt discrimination like this finds itself so out of touch with its members and community that its bottom line is affected, and incidents like this only create a humiliating awareness that these policies still exist.

The best part of the story, though – the one that shows the Boy Scouts will be just fine – is this perceptive remark by a friend of the family, after reciting the scout law (a scout should be trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, etc.).

“I mean, when the leaders of the troop hear that, how does it feel? Were they loyal to Denise? It certainly wasn’t kind what they’ve done to her,” [Eric] Ianson continued. “It absolutely isn’t brave. The brave thing to do would be to take a stand here and say this isn’t right, this person has been great to our kids and it’s time to stand up for her and be great for her.”

This is an Eagle Scout who has internalized the values of scouting and understood them much better than the reactionary leadership at the top of the hierarchy. The right thing to do is to acknowledge the truth you can see for yourself, and to stand up for your friend. There are many more like him.

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Pre-primary candidate forum, August 9

Join the Arlington Gay and Lesbian Alliance, Equality Fairfax, Equality Loudoun and Alexandria Gay and Lesbian Citizen’s Association for a candidate forum:

Tuesday, August 9, 7:00 pm
Meet and greet with refreshments at 6:30
National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) Conference Center
4301 Wilson Blvd (near Ballston Mall and Metro Station)

Currently contested races include the Senate seat for district 30 (parts of Arlington and Fairfax counties and Alexandria) and the Senate seat for district 31 (parts of Arlington, Fairfax and Loudoun counties).

Approximately 30 minutes will be devoted to each race with the moderator (from AGLA) providing roughly 1/3 of the questions.

Free parking is available under the NRECA building.

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And you think this is a virtue?

It’s not online, but Leesburg Today has a piece on a recent Community Levee Association essay contest, and the winning essay is on their site. CLA president Chris Stevenson tells the Leesburg Today “we thought there were pretty good deep insights into marriage, especially for a 12th grader.” The author makes a strong case for the emotional difference between marriage and something that falls short, disputing the idea “that cohabitation is a reasonable substitution for marriage.”

Stevenson also said [author Bronwen] Hale created an interesting analogy about marriage – she compared choosing between being married and cohabitating with the decision to rent or buy.

It’s a good insight. The lifetime commitment and social support implied by marriage does matter. There’s more motivation to invest in and work hard to maintain something one “owns,” and I couldn’t agree more that “happy marriages begin when we marry the ones we love, and they blossom when we love the ones we marry.”

These things are exactly the reason I consider myself to be a marriage conservative.

I agree with Chris, this is an interesting analogy – just not for the reason that he thinks. The irony is that an entire category of people is prohibited from marriage, and by law may only “cohabitate” – and the CLA takes a position in favor of this prohibition. Imagine if any group was singled out and prohibited by law from owning property, and only permitted to rent. This is known as discrimination, and it violates the clear language of the 14th Amendment. Not only that, it works directly in opposition to the virtues of stability and commitment, (in CLA’s words “virtues that strengthen community”), and makes those things seem less valued. The prohibition has the opposite of the intended effect, but the CLA doesn’t see this yet.

There’s nothing in the essay indicating that the author agrees or disagrees with the CLA’s pro-discrimination position, and given recent trends it’s hard to predict – but it’s unlikely she would have won had she expressed such disagreement. Presumed discrimination is an odd thing to find virtuous, and it’s getting harder and harder for people to accept.

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Guarding America’s Youth

I’ve been told that a woman named Barbara Dixon announced her intent to run for School Board at Monday night’s LCRC meeting, pledging among other things to save our children from the “homosexual agenda.” Barbara is also the only known LCRC member to have openly joined the little “Virginia Anti-Shariah Task Force” protest held at the April meeting.

The following video contains some other suggestions Barbara may find helpful to her campaign. Enjoy!

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