What the anti-gay sociopaths have wrought

Rob Tisinai of Waking Up Now posted this video back in 2010 demonstrating that the pending Ugandan “Kill the Gays” bill is actually much, much worse than we knew. The bill is constructed in such a way that its language could, and certainly would, be used to seek the death penalty for such “offenses” as the failure to report a gay congregation member to authorities. Watch the video and read the text of the bill for yourself.

As we pointed out back in the spring of 2009, as the violent campaign against the Ugandan gay community was just beginning to heat up, the reason that the American anti-gay fringe had imported their lethal hatred to Uganda is that they are increasingly unable to get any traction here. Public opinion has decisively turned against them. Make no mistake; if sociopaths like Scott Lively had the opportunity to put us and our allies to death in America, they would do so in a heartbeat.

Come out to Sterling tomorrow night to hear firsthand what is going on in Uganda, from a minister who is risking his own life to oppose this inhuman madness:

Benefit Celebration for GLBT Rights in Uganda
with Rev. Mark Kiyimba
Music by Tom Teasley
Friday January 13th, 7:00 – 10:00 pm
Unitarian Universalists of Sterling
22135 Davis Drive, Sterling

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