Where’s the faith?

If there has ever been a question about the nature of “faith” organizations that spend an inordinate amount of energy working to demonize GLBT people, Samuel Rodriguez of the 3rd Day Worship Center extinguishes all uncertainty.

The Washington Post On Faith feature asked this question:

What is marriage? Is it a sacred rite or a civil right? What role, if any, should religious institutions, traditions or beliefs have in the legal act of marriage?

And Samuel Rodriguez answered. The excerpt below was printed in Saturday’s Washington Post.

At the end of the day, the gay minority agenda [sic] may end up indefinitely deterred not by the white evangelical Christian right establishment but rather by ethno cultural minorities. In other words, Blacks and Latinos may end up as the proverbial firewall preventing the advancement of the gay and lesbian agenda…

Ethnic minorities, who in essence make up the base of the Democratic Party, a Party committed to same-sex marriage, overwhelmingly oppose the idea, according to Pew and other research. Politically, the same-sex marriage agenda may solidify the gay and lesbian community within the canopy of the Democratic Party while simultaneously providing an opening for the Grand Ole Party to finally break away from its White over 50 male memberships and engage minority voters. Could same-sex marriage push Hispanics, Blacks and other ethnic minorities into the ranks of the Republican Party?

The verdict is in. Anti-gay “churches” are political organizations through and through.

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One Response to Where’s the faith?

  1. Jonathan says:

    Speaking of politics. Chuck Colson is at it again. “Liberalism run amok”, eh? Thanks for the very deep and thoughtful discourse, Chuck.