More on the Reston forum

See Equality Loudoun’s report on this forum.

Note: Claire Guthrie Gastanaga was actually replaced on the panel by attorney Leslie Nickel, a change the reporter didn’t catch. Also, I don’t think we squabble all that much. –David

Preaching to the Choir
Reston Connection
September 20, 2006
By Jason Hartke

Forum panelists opposed to the proposed marriage amendment find friendly audience.

Friends often tell Jonathan Weintraub that he and his partner bicker like an old married couple.

Weintraub, who’s in a 25-year monogamous gay relationship, takes it as a compliment. Other than by law, Weintraub of Loudoun County says he’s married in every way “” even by squabbling standards.

A proposed constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage on the ballot this November has Weintraub and other gays and lesbians fearing overt government-sponsored discrimination.

The second paragraph of the amendment bans the recognition of any “legal status for relationships of unmarried individuals that intends to approximate the design, qualities, significance, or effects of marriage.”

“My relationship does approximate marriage,” said Weintraub of Loudoun County.


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